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Certain dates can be both an emotional trigger and a day we want to celebrate our missing babes.

Whether it's an anniversary of baby's due date, the date your babe was born, gained their wings, or a holiday like Christmas, honor and remember your babe by making a donation in their name, on that day.

*If you wish, please include their name in the "add note" section at donation check out.

Donations go toward our most pressing needs.


Our Baby's Legacy is a non-profit ran 100% by volunteers. Every dollar goes back into reaching more families that need support.
The more financial gifts we receive,
the more precious time parents will get to spend with their sweet baby in hospitials that receive our Cuddle Cots,
the more empty arms will find comfort from our Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animals,
the more families will be able to share their voice and find purpose in creating a legacy for their beloved babes,
and the more we can help society understand loss and learn how to support the loss community.
You have the opportunity to make a massive impact. Every dollar counts. Thank you in advance for being part of this with us.


Fill the arms of a newly bereaved parent that is in need of a Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal. Your generous donation will fund this special keepsake, in honor of your baby, in their name. With lots of love, we will make a Memorial Animal and hand deliver it to a hospital that will present it to parents that just lost their little one. Along with it is a certificate that will read "created with love and donated in sweet memory of __(your child's name)__". 

Your baby's name will be written out, recognized, and remembered!

*If you wish, please include their name in the "add note" section at donation check out.


**This is a donation to fund an animal that will go to 

another parent in need. If you personally want to receive

animal, go to our "Heavenly Hugs" order page.


Imagine the moment you lost your baby. What would you give to get a few more hours or days back with them?  We can't change what happened to our babes, but through our own devastating experience, we can change the experience for a future family that will experience a loss. Create a legacy in your child's name and help us give the gift of time by funding Cuddle Cots. A Cuddle Cot is device made specifically to cool the bassinet of a baby who has passed, which slows down the effect of nature. This allows grieving parents to spend some extra time with their newborn after they have passed away, in an effort to ease the mourning process and create those few memories that they can....

One Time Donations: List

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