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Memorial Animals

Heavenly Hugs- Memorial Animals: Welcome

Trigger Warning

This page contains photos of our Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animals in real life situations like with living children, pregnant mothers, and rainbow babies.

Heavenly Hugs- Memorial Animals: Text


....... give parents whose baby has gone too soon, the chance to hug and cuddle a comforting newborn sized stuffed animal, designed to preserve the memory of their babe and represent them in their present life. We recommend families include them in their family photos, travel with them, hold them swaddled in a special blanket they got to hold their angel baby in, or dress them in an outfit they would have purchased for their babe.
Whether it's the chance to hug their baby's ashes, feature this animal in their home to hold space for them, or benefit from the physcal effects of holding a weighted item while grieving, there are countless reasons what a parent or loved one of loss would love to have a Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal.

Some special things to know about these Heavenly Hug Memorial Animals, that makes them unique to other bereavement animals....



The animals have a velcro pouch on the back where special keepsakes can be stored inside.

A minature urn is a great way to memorialize your child with these animals. We offer them in our store, and they only require a capsule size amount of cremains.

Another meaningful keepsake you could use the access pouch for is a sound recorder module. Here are a few ideas on what to record on this sound module to make the memorial animal even more special:

  • Your baby’s heart beat if you had it recorded. 

  • A loved one like a parent, spouse or living child, reciting an uplifting quote or prayer. 

  • The sound of a baby’s cry or giggle. While this may a trigger for some parents, others have found some comfort in “putting a voice” to the child they never got to hear.

  •  If your angel lived for any amount of time and you have a video clip of their sounds, a 20 second clip from it can be recorded onto the module while the video is playing.

Have other suggestions on how you use the recorder? Let us know on our contact page.



Grief can be felt both physically and mentally. In fact, “empty arm syndrome” causes parents arms to actually physically ache. Broken Heart Syndrome or “Takotsubo Syndrome” is a condition that causes the heart’s left ventricle to enlarge when the body and mind deals with severe grief, stress, and trauma. Studies show holding a weighted object calms the nervous system by releasing the neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, which elicits a feeling of well-being.

We weigh them by hand, crafting it to be soft and floppy, so it is super cuddly. It is designed to mimic the way a new born would feel in one's arms. We do NOT stuff them to a custom weight. We find it very important that the Memorial Animals bring you and your loved ones so much comfort, so our animals can comfortably be held, hugged, kissed, and cuddled.
Because of the access pouch in the back though, you can add more weight to or remove weight from it yourself to match your baby's weight if that's important to you. Contact us for instructions. As is, they weigh 2-3lbs, but feel like 5-7lbs.



We offer dozens of different animals. Some parents associate specific cuddly creatures to their baby's memory, and we want to help you honor that. With our Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animals, you're not limited to just bears. We have everything from lambs, monkeys, penguins, whales and more. 

Don't see a design you want? Contact us and we will try to make it happen for you.



Part of what can bring a bereaved family comfort is knowing their child's name has been said aloud, written out, and remembered! We give families the opportunity to create a legacy for their baby, which can bring purpose and healing in the wake of the loss. Each Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal we make is funded by the purchase prior. 
When you order this animal today, we invite you to provide the name of who it is in memory of. You will receive a certificate with your animal. Your baby's name will be lovingly commemorated on the front. On the back it reads "This Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal was made with love and funded in honor of _____(the name of the baby whose animal was funded prior to yours). 
Your purchase will be funded forward and another family will receive an animal because of your generosity. Their certificate will read "This Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal was made with love and funded in honor of ___ ( your baby's name). We hope it brings you healing in knowing your pain can produce something good by paying it forward, in your child's name! Click here to learn more about building a legacy for your child.

Visit our online store to order your Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal now. 

All proceeds from our online store fund more animals to be donated to newly bereaved families in hospitals, and support the mission of Our Baby's Legacy.

Heavenly Hugs- Memorial Animals: Features
Heavenly Hugs- Memorial Animals: Gallery

Join our Facebook Community to
meet the parents of who was listed on your Heavenly Hugs Memorial Animal certificate or whom yours went to, 
get more ideas of ways to incorporate your animal in your families life,
share photos of your animal and what it means to you, and more.

Heavenly Hugs- Memorial Animals: Text


...... and create a legacy for your child at the same time.

One of our goals at Our Baby's Legacy is to get these Heavenly Hugs in the arms of parents that have lost their child, before they even leave the hospital.

The precious time they might get with their baby may bond them to their Memorial Animal, providing a lifetime of even more support having known it touched and cuddled their angel baby too.

For some parents that leave never having had the chance to hold their babe, may be comforted having something to weigh down their aching arms in such a devastating moment.

We also pray that any parent of loss, having their Memorial Animal to leave the hospital with, may  feel a little less alone.

Help us make these available in more hospitals by making a donation today.

You can make a one time or reoccuring donation, in your baby's name. 

Heavenly Hugs- Memorial Animals: Who We Are
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