Providing families of pregnancy and infant loss tools for comfort, community for support, and an opportunity to create a legacy for their child.

Thank you for coming to our website and learning more about our mission to provide families of pregnancy and infant loss tools for comfort, community for support, and an opportunity to create a legacy in their child's name.
If you are here because you've suffered the loss of your beloved baby, you have our deepest condolences. We know platitudes like "so sorry for your loss" don't offer much comfort, but we pray the resources, tools, community, event, and opportunities we offer do bring you some support and healing as you navigate life with out your precious child/ren.
If you are here because not personally, but a loved one has experienced a loss, first of all we want to acknowledge that you may be grieving too. Again we hope you find comfort here. We also provide many ways to help you support your loved one during the initial stages of grief as well as long after the loss, as they will always be parents to their child/ren.
To all, welcome. Please browse our pages, follow us on social media, join our support group, and subscribe to our emails to be notified of upcoming events, fundraisers, new tools for comfort that become available, ways to build a legacy in honor of your babe/s gone too soon, and so much more.

Turning Tragedy Into Legacy
"After many weeks of a terminal diagnosis, our son Davin Matthew, passed away peacefully in my womb." Sarah Adams, Founder of Our Baby's Legacy recalls. "We were told at 16weeks gestation he was very sick and would likely not survive to full term. We hoped and prayed he would make it, but God revealed his plan on August 1st, 2018 when Davin's heart stopped beating. I delivered him via c-section the next day, and spent 3 emotional days in the hospital with him before we (Clark, Husband) said our goodbyes. The next year was a wild ride of navigating life after loss, feeling like a mother but with no baby in my arms, having days filled with deep grief and intense love all at the same time.
Looking back, the first year was sprinkled with seeds of hope and passion. I had began making weighted stuffed animals that would comfort other bereaved parents. I started fundraising for them on social media, which gave me an excuse to share and talk about Davin, an important step to healing, which otherwise I felt uncomfortable with most of the time. I also made friends with other parents of loss and honestly found more therapeutic effect talking with those total strangers that "got it", than some of my own friends in my home.
It wasn't until Davin's 1st Heavenly birthday that all the pieces added up.
Clark and I wanted to organize a fundraiser for a Cuddle Cot to be donated in our little boys name. For those who don't know, a Cuddle Cot is a medical device in hospitals that cool the bassinet of a baby that has passed. It slows the effect of time on their precious bodies to extend the one and only moment in time the families will ever get to be with their child. We were blessed to have had one and with Davin's birthday fundraiser, we took on the brave task of raising $3k for a Cuddle Cot. I say brave because for most families, asking for donations can be uncomfortable, managing emotions if funds are not met could be added stress, and the disappointment if the Cot never comes to fruition... well, it can all be a lot to take on. How many families miss out on doing something in honor of their baby/s? What if other parents went in on it together!? 'Oh my gosh', I thought, we could donate multiple cuddle cots!
And thats when God opened the flood gates in my mind and all the stepping stones I traveled through the loss so far became a crystal clear path. I knew we could make a much bigger impact in the lives of angel baby families if we worked WITH the families. I recalled some of the most valuable things that positively impacted my journey until then: The tools for comfort such as the use of the Cuddle Cot to have the time to take pictures and build memories with him, as well as Davin's memorial animal with his heart beat and ashes inside that I hold and cuddle, still to this day. I also thought about the community and friends of loss that supported me, and the events and public displays of my son's name, that every time I saw, brought me a smile with the tear. And lastly I thought about the overwhelming warmth and love I felt as a mother, when people supported my cause and knowing I was giving back and building a legacy for my sweet son.
So long story short, the vision for Our Baby's Legacy came together as a three part cyclical organization. Families are brought comfort from the tools we make possible, they may have found us on social media, through their hospital, or a supportive friend.
They plug into our supportive community, make connections and engage in our events to feel understood and know they aren never alone. Finally as they journey with life after loss, they have the opportunity to gain healing, pride, and passion by creating a legacy for their own child by working with us and our programs."
_ Sarah Adams, Davin's Mom
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”